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Mosaic Mirror - Story & Art

Mosaic Mirror - Story & Art
Mosaic Mirror - Story & Art

Mosaic Mirror - Story & Art

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Paradise High School

Paradise High School

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Paradise Glass Blowing

Paradise Glass Blowing

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Ponderosa & Durham Elementary Tiger Benches

Ponderosa & Durham Elementary Tiger Benches

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Paul Neault

Visual Arts and History teacher, Norco Intermediate School in Riverside, CA

"With the blessing of our PTSA, a mosaic project was proposed and scheduled for the spring of 2020, and I was excited about getting my students involved. Then the pandemic lockdown hit, and along with practically everything else, it was postponed indefinitely.
However, in late March when we began to return to campus, Rainforest Art Project contacted our PTSA about reviving the project. The skilled artisans of Rainforest Art Project had completed roughly 75% of the mosaic, so it was up to my 8th grade advanced visual arts students to finish it. I introduced the project to my students, who enthusiastically jumped right in and began creating: selecting, cutting, mixing thinset, and affixing the glass pieces in place. Rainforest Art Project provided us with all tools and materials. Three weeks later, my students completed their portion of the mosaic, and Rainforest took it back for grouting. They returned with the beautiful, completed mosaic and two tiled pedestals for support. We selected a spot in front of the library, installed the new Bobcat mosaic bench, and held a short unveiling ceremony! Rainforest also provided certificates for each student who participated in the project. I look forward to collaborating with them in the future so that we may continue bringing more creative art projects to Norco Intermediate. Projects like this one increase student engagement in the creative processes and allow them to produce visually dazzling on-campus art installations that everyone can enjoy!"


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Pamela Lhuillier

1st Grade Teacher, Joyner Elementary School in San Diego, CA

"My students were beyond thrilled to receive certificates for their participation and realize that they would be part of Joyner's legacy.
Both mosaic pieces are beautiful and are exactly what we need right now to reignite Joyner's communal identity after this challenging year of separation.
Thank you so much for charging forward in the noble pursuit of giving our students exposure and access to their own creativity and self-expression. We are so fortunate and grateful."


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Carlos Ramirez

3rd Grade Teacher

“Frankly, I was always afraid of teaching art and was not sure how to do it. With your guidance and support, now I love drawing, coloring and learning and teaching with my students.”


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Jim Lewis

3rd Grade teacher

“Rainforest Art is amazing for my 3rd grade students. Not only do they learn about climate, geography, social studies and science topics but the art strengthens the learning, and it is amazing. It’s easy for the kids to follow along with, and every student is fully engaged. My class loves it!”


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Elsa Leon

Kindergarten teacher, Normal Heights Elementary in San Diego, CA

“Rainforest Art is an amazing art program. I have been teaching for 34 years and this is the best art curriculum that I've ever implemented. The lessons are very user friendly. Everything is included so I don't have to search for materials.  But what I love most about the program is the quality of the lessons.  I love the cultural aspect that is incorporated with each art lesson, as well as all of the vocabulary that the kids are exposed to. My students love art time and feel very proud of their finished project every time.  I've also had a lot of positive comments from parents. Thank you Mrs Titova for encouraging me to try doing the program on Zoom.  I didn't think it would be possible with kindergarteners, but soon found out it was great."


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Elena Gorbatyuk


“The creation of the mosaic was interesting in the way that it teaches the kids how to use their brain by trying to put tiny pieces together to create a picture.”


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Dinah Monahan

Grandmother of twenty-six

“They would eagerly open their books, get out the supplies and start the lesson. I was amazed seeing how much thought went into the lessons and provisions for the art projects. I did not have to add anything but guidance and comments on the lessons. The children learned about other cultures, animals, color blending, and much more and didn’t even consider it lessons. The projects were easily done, with minimal help from grandma. The books were beautifully illustrated and the instructions were clear. Thank you for such an innovative approach to art as learning!”


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Ashley Reimer

Art teacher at CORE Butte Charter School in Chico, CA

“I have a 6th–8th grade class and a 4th–5th class. Both groups of students really enjoyed the project. As a teacher, I LOVED how the content was arranged on the paper information page and how it matched the video. It was fabulous to be able to have the historical education, and see how the art was used currently. The video instructions were great, and having all of the supplies made it so easy. I would recommend this other teachers! I have been teaching art in a classroom setting for 12 years and have tried many different programs, this was by far the most simple, easy, and valuable!”


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Carson Karle

Student at Orland High School in Northern California

“I'm going to have a piece of myself at this school. I think it's a timeless piece of art at Orland High School. It's going to be around for a long time and I look forward to coming back and seeing just how big of an impact it has and how long it will be here.”


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Jennifer Spangler

Arts Enrichment Coordinator, Butte County Office of Education

“This is to let you know that your support last year for Bangor School District to receive the Rainforest Art Project curriculum was a big success. The school year ended with an exhibit in the school gym of art projects made with the Rainforest curriculum and art supplies. I was recently informed by the District Superintendent that they have purchased additional curriculum and materials from Rainforest for use in the new school year. Thank you so much for your valuable support for arts education in this rural school district. This story has both a happy ending and a new beginning.”


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Ericka Hendrickson

Special Education Teacher at New Dawn High School in San Diego

“The team at Rainforest Art Project is so welcoming, friendly, and helpful. They really devoted their time and energy with our kids, and were very patient. The students really enjoyed Makers program, learning how to make a mosaic is really quite amazing. It gives our school a sense of identity. We love it and cannot thank you enough.”


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Dr. Robert Pletka

Superintendent of Fullerton School District

“When kids are an active part of their community or school, not only are they enriched but they can give back. Our students have helped make their schools and their community a better place.”


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Geoff Dale

Mayor of Imperial Valley, CA

“For years the Imperial Valley has been plagued by vandalism and graffiti. However, of over one hundred Rainforest Art installations in our community, not one has been the target of such crime.”


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Ms. Paulette

3rd grade teacher at Hamilton Elementary School in San Diego, CA

“My students were so enthused to attend Rainforest Art, and I can truthfully say it was the highlight of our week! They took home beautiful art projects to share and give as gifts to their family. Thank you for such an enriching program for our kids!”


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Dr. Todd Finnell

Imperial County Superintendent of Schools

“Our office is excited to work with the Rainforest Art Project. They have developed engaging, high-quality curriculum that belongs in every classroom.”


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Fernando J. Hernandez

Principal of Perkins Elementary School in San Diego, CA

“Art is an avenue for helping many of our students connect to school and discovering something about themselves they didn’t know they had.”


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Marlene Best

City Manager of Santee, CA

“The Rainforest Art Project is one of the few activities where all family members can get involved. The families develop a sense of pride and ownership while they learn more about each other.”


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Matt Phillips

Principal of Southwest High School, Former principal of Woodrow Wilson Junior High School in El Centro, CA

“In my 11 years at Wilson, this is by far the best art program I have ever seen. There is a level of engagement that you don’t typically see in classrooms, and by that I mean that the students are not only learning, but they are also enjoying what they are doing.”


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Sofonyas Shibre

Rainforest Art Project student at Wilson Middle School in San Diego, CA

“When I am working on an art project, I get excited. School is school, but when you are creating art, it makes you think outside of what the teachers are telling you to do.”


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Jose Valdez

Principal, Euclid Elementary in San Diego, CA

“New Connections art program assists teachers in working on the language development in a very supportive and accessible way. This art curriculum is a perfect support for our students who are learning English; it helps our students from immigrant families to mitigate language barriers and feel that they are welcome and capable. We have New Connections for all grade levels this year and look forward to running it again next school year.”


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Katerina Govoni

3rd Grade Teacher

“I love how simple you have made this program for teachers and kids!”


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Marcela Beltran

2nd Grade Teacher

“Thank you for making art easy to teach. This program makes it so easy to meet the art standards. Also, the children love it!”


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Summer Heraz

Principal, Meadows Union School District

“Our teachers are so excited about the program. It’s easy to do, interesting, educational... the list goes on. We will be expanding it in the future.”


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Jeannette Quiroz

Principal, Sunflower Elementary School in El Centro, CA

“We piloted New Connections art curriculum this year in several grade levels. Once the teachers had a chance to use the materials and plan the projects to fit into their weekly schedules, well it became a real dynamic process. The students were engaged and inspired. The teachers were surprised at how easy it was for them and how challenging and creative the projects were for their students. They are excited to dig into the lessons next year. What is even better is that all the art is tied to the History standards so they can be done together. This coming year we are going to have all teachers do the curriculum on this site as well as using the after school curricular projects for our ASES art classes.”


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John Aguilar

Principal, Normal Heights Elementary in San Diego, CA

“This is our third year partnering with the Rainforest Art project, and we see the impact of the art in relation to our attendance and academics… New Connections is a great program, my teachers absolutely love it and the program correlates with national standards. All grade levels at our school use the New Connections program.”

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